The monthly Scout Account activity report has been privately emailed to individual parents. If you attempt to view the spreadsheet on your tiny cell phone screen it will not appear correctly.

For the month of May, I have emailed the Scout Account Note and posted the same information on this website. Starting in June, I will no longer copy and paste this note to 20 individual emails. I will only send balance sheets to 20 individual parents. Please bookmark this website for future reference.

Boxwell Summer Camp 2012: Our troop will attend summer camp this year from July 1st through July 7th. The cost is $195.00 for the week (if you pay an advance deposit). Depending on the class selections for your scout, there might also be a small course fee for supplies. The final class selections are due TODAY, May 1, 2012.

Camp Cards:  Please turn in any unsold Camp Cards or money TODAY, May 1, 2012.

Henry Horton Camping Expenses: The final cost for the Henry Horton camping outing is $20.00 per person. This amount includes food for the weekend and camping fees. This debt has been posted to the Scout Accounts. The deadline has now passed to turn in any food receipts. I have issued a credit to the Scout Accounts to those who provided me with an expense receipt.

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser: I would like to thank all of the scouts and parents who worked during our pancake breakfast this past Saturday. The final profit numbers are not complete as of yet. I am waiting on one last receipt for our supplies. We pre-sold about 1/3 of the amount of the tickets from last year, and the amount of walk-in traffic was about equal to the 2011 pancake breakfast.

Spring Court of Honor: Our next Court of Honor will be held on Tuesday, May 15th at theTrinity United Methodist Church picnic pavilion. Weather permitting, we will have a campfire hotdog roast and potluck meal. The last day to turn in rank advancement paperwork, or completed Merit Badge blue cards for THIS Court of Honor is Tuesday, May 8, 2012. No exceptions.

Veteran Bar Combo Patch: These patches are now available to those who wish to purchase one, or more. The cost is $3.50 per patch and can be picked up during one of our troop meetings. This is an OPTIONAL item for the Class-A uniforms.

Arrowhead Bolos: These new silver arrowhead bolos are now available to those who wish to purchase one, or more. The cost is $10.00 per bolo and can be picked up during one of our troop meetings. This is now the official bolo of Troop 448 and should be worn with the Class-A uniform at all times.

Negative Scout Account Balances: If your Scout Account balance is now negative, please bring a check or cash to our next meeting.

If you have questions, please email Lisa.