by Fred | Feb 5, 2014 | Scoutmaster
I am pleased to announce that on January 8, 2014, Will Wright successfully completed his Eagle Board of Revew. Will joins Troop 448’s Eagle Nest as our 56th Eagle Scout. Congratulations goes out to Will and his family.
by Fred | May 23, 2013 | Scoutmaster
I am pleased to announce that Aaron Nippers is scheduled to have his Eagle Board of Review on May 29th. Please join me in congratulating Aaron on all his hard work in reaching this goal and wish him success in this final requirement on his journey to Eagle.
by Fred | Nov 1, 2012 | Scoutmaster
Will Wright has scheduled an Eagle Project work day at his house for Saturday, Nov. 10, from 9am until about noon. Please come out and help him with his project.
by Fred | Oct 11, 2012 | Scoutmaster
I am pleased to announce that last night Adam Olson successfully completed his Eagle Board of Review. If National approves Adam’s application, I will be adding him to our Eagle’s Nest as our fifty fourth Eagle Scout. Congratulations Adam!
by Fred | Sep 6, 2012 | Scoutmaster
I am pleased to announce that last night Hadley Johnson successfully completed his Eagle Board of Review. If National approves Hadley’s application, I will be adding him to our Eagle’s Nest as our fifty third Eagle Scout. Congratulations Hadley!
by Fred | Jul 24, 2012 | Scoutmaster
As you can see we had a great group of Scouts and Leaders at summer camp this year. If you click on the picture you will be directed to the site where you can get a large digital copy of the picture.